Towards an Innovative Land Transport Industry Enabled by Technology and a Highly Competent Workforce

News Releases 12 Feb 2018 Industry Transformation Map (ITM)

Up to 8,000 New Public Transport Jobs by 2030, $25 Million Funding
for Mobility-Related Innovation and Technology Adoption


    Co-ordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Minister for Transport, Mr Khaw Boon Wan, launched the Land Transport Industry Transformation Map (ITM) this morning. The ITM serves as the blueprint for growing and transforming the land transport industry into one that is enabled by technology and a highly competent workforce.

2.  Developed by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) in close consultation with union and industry partners, the ITM ensures that the land transport industry and its workers continue to stay relevant despite long-term challenges such as an ageing population as well as land and fiscal constraints. The ITM also responds to disruptive technologies such as Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, and harnesses their transformative potential as an opportunity to enhance the land transport system and create even better jobs for the industry.

3.  To achieve our overarching vision for a people-centred land transport system by 2030 with more connections and better service for all, the Land Transport ITM has outlined numerous initiatives which leverage emerging technologies to make the land transport system smarter, drive productivity growth and deliver better services to commuters; as well as to future-proof the workforce through comprehensive programmes for up-skilling and re-skilling (see Annexes).

Up to 8,000 new public transport jobs by 2030

4.  Today, about 123,000 people work in the land transport industry – this includes bus captains, bus mechanics, customer service officers, railway engineers, station managers, as well as taxi and private hire car drivers. Of that number, more than 21,000 are employed by the rail and public bus sectors to support the 5 million daily commuter journeys on public transport. With the expansion of our public bus and rail networks to meet Singapore’s future needs, we expect to create up to 8,000 new public transport jobs by 2030 to support this.

5.  LTA will work closely with our union and industry partners on initiatives that support the growth in public transport jobs. For example, LTA will carry out industry manpower planning to identify employment opportunities and formulate targeted workforce interventions. To attract, identify and manage the growing pipeline of talent, LTA will also partner with the industry to provide more enhanced and structured internships for students from Institutes of Higher Learning.

6.  LTA will also continue to develop the capabilities of the workforce, particularly through up-skilling and re-skilling of our public transport workers. To ensure that these workers can keep pace with industry developments, the Singapore Bus Academy and Singapore Rail Academy will offer new programmes mapped against the soon-to-be-launched Public Transport Skills Framework (PTSF)[1]. In addition, more Professional Conversion Programmes will be developed to equip mid-career switchers with the relevant competencies to pursue a successful career in the land transport industry.

$25 million funding for mobility-related research & technology trials

7.  Through the Land Transport ITM, LTA will harness technology and innovation to improve productivity for our land transport workers and deliver a transport system that is safe, efficient, reliable and comfortable for commuters. For instance, the use of smart sensors and data analytics to monitor the status of railway systems for predictive maintenance will enable railway engineers to be more productive in their work, which translates into a smoother and more reliable ride for commuters.

8.  LTA is also actively exploring how the use of automation and AVs can be applied in our land transport system to improve efficiency, reduce human error and deliver better services. For example, the introduction of robots and drones to inspect MRT and road tunnels will reduce the need for tedious manual inspections and free our engineers to focus on analysing the data captured. Autonomous buses and dynamically-routed, on-demand shuttles can also be deployed to enhance public transport by providing more responsive, efficient and convenient transport modes for commuters.

9.  Moving forward, LTA expects the continuous adoption of technology and innovative solutions to play an integral part in the land transport industry’s development. To further encourage mobility-related research and technology trials, LTA will set aside $25 million over five years for the Land Transport Innovation Fund to spur innovation and collaborative projects with industry partners.

10. LTA’s Chief Executive Mr Ngien Hoon Ping said: “In developing the Land Transport ITM, LTA has consulted and engaged union and industry partners extensively. The close tripartite partnership we have built lays the foundation for the successful transformation of the land transport industry. Together, I am confident that we can implement our ITM well. With the Land Transport Innovation Fund, I hope to see even more innovative solutions emerge to shape the transport of tomorrow.”

Annex A: Land Transport Industry Transformation Map (ITM) Infographics
Annex B: Land Transport Industry Transformation Map Initiatives

[1] The PTSF is jointly developed by LTA, SkillsFuture Singapore and the public transport operators. It provides key information on the public transport sector and employment, career pathways, the various occupations and job roles, as well as existing and emerging skills required.


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