Shaping the Future of Land Transport Together
Senior Minister of State for Transport Dr Janil Puthucheary officially launched the public engagement for the next Land Transport Master Plan (“LTMP 2040”) with the release of a Public Consultation Document (PCD). The PCD outlines key topics for discussion that will enable our land transport system to evolve to meet the changing needs of commuters. These serve as starting points for LTA’s conversation with Singaporeans about the future of our land transport system for 2040 and beyond.
2. The launch was witnessed by Guest-of-Honour Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. PM Lee also graced the opening of LTA’s SG Mobility Gallery which provides a glimpse into the future of our land transport system, as well as a ceremony to mark the completion of 200km of sheltered walkways under LTA’s Walk2Ride programme, a milestone from the previous LTMP.
3. Over the next few months, members of the public, transport industry players and other stakeholders will be able to share their views and ideas on the future of our land transport system through various channels, such as the PCD, electronic polls and focus group discussions.
4. LTA has also appointed an LTMP Advisory Panel, chaired by SMS Dr Janil Puthucheary and comprising 14 other representatives drawn from diverse backgrounds. The Panel will consider the views gathered through the public engagements, deliberate on the various issues, and surface their recommendations in early 2019. These recommendations will be incorporated into LTA’s vision, policies and targets for LTMP 2040.
Public transport remains key in reinventing our city
5. In the previous LTMP, LTA affirmed its vision for a people-centred land transport system. We promised more connections, better service and a transport system that supports a liveable and inclusive community. This has led to significant investments to improve our public transport system, which continues to be a key piece in the blueprint to reinvent our city. Based on the recently released 2016 Household Interview Travel Survey (HITS) and other data, LTA is on track to achieving the following 2030 targets set in the previous LTMP:
i. 8 in 10 households living within 10 minutes' walk of a train station;
ii. 85% of public transport journeys under 20km completed within 60 minutes; and
ii. 75% of all journeys during peak hours undertaken on public transport.
Your views will help to shape LTMP 2040
6. LTA’s next LTMP will chart the future of Singapore’s land transport system to 2040 and beyond. LTMP 2040 offers an opportunity for us, as a people, to take a fresh look at our land transport vision, policies and targets to ensure they are fit for the future.
7. With this in mind, the PCD outlines three broad themes which will serve as starting points for discussion.
Theme 1: Walk Cycle Ride as the preferred way to travel
The first theme centres on how we can make Walk Cycle Ride (WCR) the preferred way to travel to keep our land transport system sustainable. WCR encompasses a variety of transport modes, including active mobility such as walking and cycling, mass public transport such as buses and trains, and shared transport such as taxis and private hire cars. Through the PCD, members of public will be invited to share their views on how we should balance between different WCR priorities, such as comfort, choice and speed, as well as how WCR can be made more attractive for users.
Theme 2: An easier and more inclusive WCR experience
The second theme explores how we can support an easier and more inclusive WCR experience, to meet the needs of all Singaporeans as our society ages and matures. Through the PCD, members of public will be invited to share their views on how the land transport system can better help those who face difficulties in using WCR, and how Singapore can work together to make WCR easier and more welcoming for all.
Theme 3: A land transport system that improves quality of life
The third theme looks at how our transport system can upgrade our quality of life and contribute to a more liveable city. Through the PCD, members of the public will be invited to share their views on how we can create a safer land transport system that also enhances liveability through stronger communities, better health and a cleaner environment.
More details on the above themes and discussion points may be found in the LTMP 2040 Public Consultation Document. LTA will also be holding a series of focus group discussions on each of the above themes for the LTMP 2040 from October 2018 to January 2019. Members of the public who are keen to participate in the focus group discussions may indicate their interest through the e-poll or PCD response form.
Annex A: Public Consultation Document for LTMP 2040
Annex B: Infographics on Broad Themes of LTMP 2040
Annex C: LTMP Advisory Panel Members