Wide-Ranging Feedback Received will Contribute to
Advisory Panel’s Recommendations
Since August 2018, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) has received more than 7,000 responses through its public consultation exercise on the Land Transport Master Plan (LTMP) 2040. The responses came from a wide range of land transport stakeholders, including members of public, academics, the unions, industry players and transport workers.
More Deliberate and Deeper Conversations
2. To engage in deeper and more deliberate conversations with the public, more than 100 LTA staff put in over 3,700 hours to design, plan and run the various engagements. These include launching a Public Consultation Document to kick start discussions, electronic polls and REACH Listening Points to seek wider feedback, business luncheons to engage industry players, and focus group discussions (FGD) to delve deeper into participants’ viewpoints.
3. Members of the public had the opportunity to act as transport planners in games designed by LTA staff to help FGD participants better understand the considerations and trade-offs, like financial and land constraints, that underlie every transport planning decision.
4. To reach out to older Singaporeans and those more comfortable with vernacular languages, LTA collaborated with Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) on three FGDs, in Mandarin, Malay and Tamil.
5. The LTMP Advisory Panel members also led FGDs to seek views from interest groups and the industry:
- Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development and Education, and Chairman of the Active Mobility Advisory Panel, led a session on active mobility;
- Mr Melvin Yong, Executive Secretary/National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU) and MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, organised a session for transport workers in the NTWU, as well as another for his constituents in Moulmein-Cairnhill; and
- Ms K Thanaletchimi, President of the Healthcare Services Employees’ Union (HSEU) engaged healthcare workers in HSEU’s NUH branch.
6. Please refer to the Annex for the LTMP 2040 Public Engagement Report.
Annex A: Executive Summary of the Land Transport Master Plan 2040 Public Engagement Report
Annex B: Land Transport Master Plan 2040 Public Engagement Report