Footpath Widening at Havelock Road from March 2021
The Land Transport Authority (LTA) will be implementing more Walk Cycle Ride (WCR) projects for a more sustainable and inclusive land transport system. LTA has identified over 60 projects islandwide to convert suitable road space into footpaths, cycling paths and bus lanes. This will make walking, cycling and public transport more convenient and pleasant for Singaporeans.
2 Following the pedestranisation of Kampung Admiralty in February this year, LTA will similarly look into widening a footpath along Havelock Road, between 715 Havelock Road and 745 Havelock Road, for a more comfortable and safer walking environment. Currently, the existing walkway along the shophouses in the area is narrow and cannot accommodate pedestrian traffic at times, especially during peak hours. LTA has also gathered feedback from the community and shop owners on improvements to walkability and easier access to amenities.
3 LTA will implement this project in stages. Under Phase 1, which will commence from March 2021, LTA will modify the road layout, such as by removing the roadside parking lots, to create more space for walking in front of the shophouses. Motorists visiting the area can use the carparks nearby at Blocks 51, 44A and 28A. Delivery drivers can park at the alternative loading/unloading bays located at Beo Crescent Market, Blocks 50 and 53 to carry out their delivery activities. LTA will engage the community to gather more feedback and suggestions during Phase 1 to ensure that these enhancements will best suit their needs. Permanent infrastructural changes will be made in Phase 2 if the community is supportive.
4 We will continue studying other suitable areas for road repurposing to encourage more Singaporeans to choose public transport and active mobility in their daily commutes.
Annex: Artist Impression of Road Repurposing Works