We thank Mr Ong Khoon Keat for affirming the safety benefits of the red-amber-green (RAG) arrow scheme (Worth the longer waits at traffic junctions if roads are safer, Feb 29).
Since 2018, the Land Transport Authority has been ramping up the installation of RAG arrows to control right turns at traffic light junctions, and prioritising locations near schools, Silver Zones, wider junctions and accident-prone areas.
Currently, there are close to 1,200 junctions with RAG arrows.
Mr Ong asked how RAG arrows have reduced accidents. We have observed about a 40 per cent reduction in accidents involving right turns after RAG arrows were installed.
Safety is a key consideration in our road infrastructure planning and design. Complementing RAG arrows are other initiatives, including Friendly Streets, School Zones and Silver Zones to make our roads safer, especially for vulnerable groups such as children and seniors.
Beyond improving infrastructure, we will also continue to work with the Traffic Police and the Singapore Road Safety Council on educational programmes to promote road safety awareness and encourage responsible practices among all road users. Everyone has a part to play to keep the roads safe for all.
Alvin Chia
Group Director, Traffic & Road Operations
Land Transport Authority