Road Tunnel Operations & Safety

Singapore is a built-up city state with limited land space. To cater for growth, LTA needs to efficiently integrate land use for transport planning. One of the solutions is to expand our underground road network.

Besides being built around a densely developed urban environment, our road tunnels need to cater for high traffic volume, peak hour congestion and multiple entrances and exits. These pose challenges to traffic and incident management including tunnel emergencies, and planned and unplanned tunnel closures.

The Intelligent Transport Systems Operations Control Centre (ITS OCC) works around the clock to monitor traffic and manage incidents on our expressways and road tunnels using the i-Transport and various ITS.

Watch this video or download the Road Tunnel Safety Guide (PDF, 1.6MB) for more information on safe driving in road tunnels. 

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  • Road tunnels are generally located along expressways. There are also shorter road tunnels along some arterial roads that help to improve local traffic conditions.
  • Road tunnels include the Central Expressway (CTE), Kallang-Paya Lebar Expressway (KPE), the Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE), Fort Canning Tunnel (FCT), Woodsville Tunnel (WVT), Sentosa Gateway Tunnel (SGT) and the upcoming North-South Corridor (NSC).
  • All road tunnels are equipped with ventilation systems to remove smoke from the tunnel in the event of a fire.
  • In compliance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards, newer tunnels such as WVT, SGT and MCE are equipped with overhead water sprinkler systems to aid fire fighting. CTE and KPE tunnels are also now equipped with overhead water sprinkler systems.
  • Tunnel lighting consists of base and reinforced lighting. These lights assist motorists to adapt to the transition from bright ambient outdoor light to tunnel lighting as they drive.

LTA keeps our road tunnels safe with electrical and mechanical systems such as the Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) System and Generator. The UPS system supports critical equipment such as communication, lighting, traffic control and monitoring systems. This prevents disruption to operations in the event of a major power failure. 

Ventilation system in the tunnel
Ventilation system in the tunnel
Overhead water sprinkler system in tunnels
Overhead water sprinkler system in the tunnel

The ventilation and fire protection systems, and equipment, help to ensure that the tunnel air quality is at an acceptable level, while providing support in case of fire. 

  • The ventilation system measures parameters such as visibility, carbon dioxide quality, temperature and velocity of air travel. If these markers exceed certain values, tunnel ventilation fans in the ventilation building and jet fans fitted along the tunnel will be activated to improve the air quality, keeping an optimal environment for motorists. In the event of fire, the ventilation system will remove smoke out of the tunnel.

  • The fire protection system consists of heat detection systems and fire-fighting equipment such as fire extinguishers, overhead water sprinklers, hose reels and hydrant pillars. The heat detection systems will trigger an alarm to LTA Operations Control Centre when temperatures indicate the presence of fire.

  • The drainage system consists of the storm water and waste water system. The storm water system collects rainwater while the waste water system discharges water from tunnel washing and fire-fighting activities.

  • Traffic control and monitoring systems, together with signs and barriers, enable supervision of traffic flow in tunnels and guide motorists along the way. Automatic Incident Detection (AID) is used to detect incidents and collect traffic data. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) also provides 100% surveillance coverage in the tunnels.

Lane Use Signs (LUS) and Variable Message Signs (VMS) are placed along and before tunnel entrances to guide motorists and inform them about traffic conditions within the tunnel. To facilitate the closure of tunnel slip roads during maintenance or emergencies, certain tunnels are also equipped with drop-down barriers and traffic lights at tunnel entry points.

overview of tunnel safety habits

Safe driving is important at all times, even more so in a confined space within a tunnel. Besides the usual safety rules and road etiquette, practice these tunnel safety habits and be mindful of what to do in an emergency:

  • Turn on your headlights and tune your radio to a local FM channel.
  • Observe the speed limit.
  • Follow the overhead lane use signs. If you see a red “X” above a particular lane, avoid using it.
  • If all lanes are marked “X”, do not proceed further. Stop the car, turn off the ignition and head towards the nearest emergency escape route on foot. Stay vigilant for traffic and other road users. Look for the red-and-white or green panelled emergency exits.
  • If you are approaching the tunnel and see lanes marked with a red “X”, do not enter the tunnel and look for an alternative route.
  • Pay attention to the messages on the electronic signboards, and tune in to local radio stations as LTA Operations Control Centre will broadcast emergency messages, if any.
  • In case of emergencies, you can also find emergency SOS phones located at escape staircases and fire niche cabinets along the tunnel for you to contact LTA Operations Control Centre.

When inside the road tunnels, follow the lane use signs above each traffic lane. These signs indicate to drivers which lanes ahead can be used.

Lane is open for use

Green Arrow
The lane is open for use

Lane closure ahead

Flashing Amber Cross
Lane closure ahead
Get ready to change lanes

Lane is closed

Red Cross
Lane is closed to traffic
Do not proceed beyond this sign

In the event of any major obstruction or emergency, red crosses may be lit across all lanes. This indicates that you should not proceed any further.

this is an image of 3 crosses
this is an image of 3 crosses
this is an image of 3 crosses

If you have to evacuate the tunnel on foot:

  • For Woodsville Tunnel and Fort Canning Tunnel, head for the tunnel’s entrance, away from the incident or smoke.
  • For CTE, KPE, MCE tunnels and Sentosa Gateway Tunnel, head for the nearest:
    • Emergency escape staircase, which is located every 500m in the tunnel next to the left-most lane. The stairs lead to street level; or
    • Pedestrian cross passage, which is located every 100m in the CTE, KPE and MCE tunnels next to the right-most lane. The pedestrian cross passage leads to the opposite bound tunnel.
  • For CTE Tunnel, escape staircases and pedestrian cross passages are identified by red-and-white stripes and flashing orange lights.
This is an image of an escape staircase

Emergency Escape Staircase
(every 500m next to left-most lane)

This is an image of a pedestrian cross passage door

Pedestrian Cross Passage
(every 100m next to right-most lane)

  • Escape staircases within KPE, MCE and Sentosa Gateway Tunnel are marked by green panels and flashing blue-white lights. Pedestrian cross passages within the KPE and MCE are also similarly designated by green panels and flashing blue-white lights.
This is an image of an escape staircase
Emergency Escape Staircase
(every 500m, next to left-most lane)
This is an image of a pedestrian cross passage door
Pedestrian Cross Passage
(every 100m, next to right-most lane)

Fire service cabinets are located every 50m next to the left-most lane in all road tunnels. Inside these cabinets, you can find:

  1. A fire hose reel.
  2. Fire extinguishers.
  3. A fire break-glass unit which can be activated to sound an alarm.
  4. Emergency SOS phones are placed every 100 meters in alternate fire service cabinets. They connect directly to LTA Operations Control Centre and can be used to call for help.
Closed Fire Service Cabinet with fire hose reel, fire extinguisher, fire break-glass unit and emergency SOS phones
Closed Fire Service Cabinet
Open Fire Service Cabinet with fire hose reel, fire extinguisher, fire break-glass unit and emergency SOS phones
Open Fire Service Cabinet
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