EV charger owners, or Registered Responsible Persons (RRPs), must ensure that EV chargers are periodically inspected and maintained by qualified personnel. Inspection frequencies vary depending on where the EV chargers are installed (for fixed EV chargers) and/or used. Similar to installation and certification of EV chargers, periodic inspection and maintenance of EV chargers must be carried out by LEWs and charger equipment specialists.
A list of LEWs can be found at via EMA’s website. A list of certified equipment specialists will also be published when ready at a later date.
The frequency of inspection and maintenance required under the EVCA are as follows:
Location |
Qualified Personnel Required |
Frequncy Required |
Restricted Access* |
Equipment Specialist |
Every 24 months |
Non-Restricted Access# |
Equipment Specialist |
Every 6 months |
Every 12 months |
*Refers to landed dwelling houses that are not comprised within a strata title plan, and includes bungalows, detached houses, semi-detached houses, and terrace houses.
#Refers to all other locations besides restricted access locations
EV charger owners must retain the Certificates of Fitness (issued after the first certification of an EV charger) and subsequent Certificates of Continued Fitness (issued after every periodic inspection of the EV charger) for at least 2 years from the date of the certificates and will be required to submit these to LTA upon request. Failure to ensure that EV chargers have been periodically inspected and maintained may constitute an offence.